Gayatri Home Tutors is not responsible for any misbehavior of tutors on student or students on tutors. Both Student/Parents and Tutors, especially female Student/Tutors are advised to ensure safety before entering the tutoring contract with each other.
Student/Parents should take the photocopy of tutors’ address and Identity proof and verify before making any direct payment to tutor.
Only one free demo class will be given by a tutor, but if you confirm and hire the tutor then first demo class will also be counted and will be payable.
If any student wants to take more than one demo class then all the classes including first demo classes will be payable.
We take the fee of one month in advance. Parents are requested to make the payment after demo class or before the second class.
We want to give you the assurance that your money is not paid to the tutor immediately. We pay to the tutor at the end of month completed. Therefore your money is in safe hands.
All Disputes, If any, are to be settled under Delhi Jurisdiction only